I have ventured far past the borders.
I am firmly outside
outside the cold iron gates.
Far from the regimented
squared order
far outside the borders
of my icy logic.
There where order reigns
There where I once knew
every step;
and how it should
Now I am here
In this in between place
Chasing the wraith
the sparkling specter
of the momentary connection;
I felt to your spirit.
Here in the badlands.
here in chaos.
Somehow here
is colder
edges sharper
and in the dark
sharp things stalk.
Here in the purgatory
outside the pulsing summer lands
of your love.
Where I have journeyed
chasing possibility;
To the edges of reason
to find you are a mirage
and this paradise I sought
naught but an absinthe dream.
but the scientist is gone
and I am this poet without a poem
This lover
devoid of love.