Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Words of Somara As She Faces Hern the Horned Lord in Battle

(When Somara came face to face with the Viking Lords, these were the words...she spoke)

And her vengeance shall fall upon you like a voracious cloud, for all she was of softness and light, to you she will seem as a storm, her light falling upon your face like lightening, she will permeate the very bedrock of your being seething within your ground flow till you forget the beating source of you. She will be as a veil of a darkness shielding the warmth of the sun from the plains of your soul. You have shackled her as a child, you have plundered her as a woman, now she rises as a warrior and she will be as rain steadily eroding the cliffs of your arrogance, she will be as water is within and without all that surrounds you, and as you seek to understand one form she will evaporate into another. She will forgo all softness, when her hands come upon you with them fall the shadow of death. She will never be gone from you, she will walk with your sons and their sons and their son's sons so that all who hear your name should curse alliance with you! She is as close to you as the darkness of your sins and as you can not cleanse them, so too you will fail to cleanse your line of her taint. Thus I speak Storm Lord and so mote it be. . . You struck me down un knowing but I shall rise to fall upon you and yours like a black bane for I am She, she of the dark moon, she who walks both lands, she who conquered death, she who gave her life so that the land may live, she whose scales will weigh your soul, she who walks the path of the 7 mysteries, I am SHE that the Romans call Venus, She that the Greeks called Athena, She the Babylonians name Astarte, She the Assyrians name Inanna, She the Egyptians name Isis, the queen of heaven! It was my voice that sang the universe into being, it is I that called forth men and beasts, but now It shall be my hand to call forth your doom, I ride out with steeds of smoke and hounds of flame and I hunt Dias Immortalis, I am SHE whose will can not be denied, and my will is your death, I am she that will reap your soul, SHE who will hunt you like a hind upon a midnight moor, SHE who wears the lines of your murder like a badge of glory! She whose legend will out live your own, she into whose cloak the dark night comes to rest. She who will unmake you I am SHE. And as I will it so mote it be !

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