Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Once Upon Time

Once upon a time
I was a girl
You were a boy
Us with out we
Once upon a time

The girl gave the boy a lantern and took him on a journey into the maze of her making. In the wild abandon of her journey, through the doors of her making,the boy saw her soul. She was un afraid and unjaded. They were unfettered by care and in their high secret whispering there were no rules. His skin was her skin and his soul was her soul...
Once Upon a time
I was a woman
You were a man
You had one name
I had mine
Once upon a time

The girl who became the woman was jaded. Her belief flew from her and her heart was an icy place. The wild pleasure of nightime whispers and faded memories invade her dreams but her waking self shrugs them off. The boy who became the man walked his paths with other women. Traveling their paths until his footsteps grew faint in the dust...
Once Upon a Time
I was me
You were you
Once upon a time

The woman who was the girl met the man who was the boy...
She looked in his eyes and years flew from her. The man who was the boy watched what the woman had become and at once he wished to keep her..
Once Upon a Time
I was here
You were Gone

The woman reached for the hand of the man. In her grip only air.

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