Tonight I can write the saddest lines
I can write of heart break
Tear dashed vodka
And black and white scenes
Tonight I can write the saddest lines
I can write that your kisses tasted
Of smoke and lies
Or tell of pain so great
I can’t stand upright anymore
Tonight I can write the saddest lines
Write of unrequited fire
And how I turned to ash
Of how you looked at me like I wasn’t there
Tonight I can write the saddest lines
I can write of moonlight
And curse the stars
Even write about how I threw that cd out
Stupid lyrics make my eardrums bleed
Tonight I can write the saddest lines
Write that I am tired and I wanted this to work
just this once
Whimsical wishes of a long gone little child
Maybe even set down the words of whispered prayers
Confess how i entreated heaven
prayed to be allowed
to keep you
to name you mine
Tonight I could write the saddest lines
But I won't
I can write it all
but nothing would change
nothing at all
I go to bed on white sheets
The tragedy of this fledgling love
Written inside my skin
Soporific poetry
No one will ever see
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