Looking to me with empty eyes
Sinking grasping fingers into my limbs
like I am the magic
Like my words can make you
make you
You come to me in your multitudes
In your trinity
Showing me your cracked soul
like I am the light to make it whole
Like my peace can give you more
give you more
You come to me bleeding from open wounds
The arrows still in your back
Hallmarks of battles you did not expect
like I can heal you with a touch.
Like this warrior can lend you power
like this warrior can lend
you more
You come to me like I am beholden
looking to me to give you value
Like my coffers can fill your horde
You come to me
like a sinner to salvation
yet I
am damnation
you come to me like a well of life
yet i
drink you deep
and watch you die . . .

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