As I stand at the river
I watch the last traces of you swirl out from my skin
I mourn each little bit of you as it leaves me.
Each sting and sizzle out my skin, the tiny death of some lost forgotten hope.
A dream of domesticity
of softness
of warm hands
and answering smiles.
Each time I wash off the trace
I try to forget
I never wish to remember your face.
This last trace of you
deep inside my secret ambitions
is the last to go
Like some festering injury
It has poisoned my freedom
and traces of you run with my blood.
I hate the hunger inside my once clear gaze
but each time I stand at the river
I wash away the trace
Soon I will be free
Free of the truest thing
this warrior heart has encountered
Free to wonder
Free to dream
But in each dream
My unfettered consciousness
only thee.
Monday, November 30, 2015
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
A farewell to a love that never was
Be still
For a time I claimed it a fiction and hid it in the dark.
I was safe.
But skeletons are wanton things and I hear they love to dance.
So on that night out they waltzed forgetting they had no flesh to clothe them.
Those exquisite delicate nude bones of my desire must have seemed like horrors to you.
The bare bones of a creation that simply should not be
So flee
Leave me and the monster be.
I can never forget the feel of murder on my hands.
As I strangled the monster of my own creation.
A frankenstein of hope and love sparked by the electricity of my desire.
Not my first crime
I don't even flinch this time
I leave the body on the floor
Now as I lock the door
I pray I don't think of it anymore
For a time I claimed it a fiction and hid it in the dark.
I was safe.
But skeletons are wanton things and I hear they love to dance.
So on that night out they waltzed forgetting they had no flesh to clothe them.
Those exquisite delicate nude bones of my desire must have seemed like horrors to you.
The bare bones of a creation that simply should not be
So flee
Leave me and the monster be.
I can never forget the feel of murder on my hands.
As I strangled the monster of my own creation.
A frankenstein of hope and love sparked by the electricity of my desire.
Not my first crime
I don't even flinch this time
I leave the body on the floor
Now as I lock the door
I pray I don't think of it anymore
Saturday, August 8, 2015
She thought he had a pocketful of stars. She thought he had the iridescent blue silver glimmer glow of a summer night stored there. That's why she came, to this place with only moonlight where she wouldn't normally stay.
She thought he had a pocketful of stars. The opalescent wishing light of a thousand summer nights ready to spill enough for her great heart. That's why she took his hand and held it with her own when she had vowed to never touch a soul again.
She thought he had a pocketful of stars. She thought he carried a million shimmering hopes bound in light, enough for her big dreams. That's why she kissed his mouth and let his voice draw her song when she swore she would never sing again.
She thought he had a pocketful of stars. She thought he had enough glow to paint over her many wounds and heal her so she could fight again. That's why she let him run his fingers through her hair, she thought he would leave particles of light and not the pain he planted there.
She thought he had a pocketful of stars.
That was why she left her blade behind.
She thought he had a pocketful of stars to guide them home again but all he had was darkness and now she had to fight, bare handed wild woman just looking for some light.
She thought he had a pocketful of stars. The opalescent wishing light of a thousand summer nights ready to spill enough for her great heart. That's why she took his hand and held it with her own when she had vowed to never touch a soul again.
She thought he had a pocketful of stars. She thought he carried a million shimmering hopes bound in light, enough for her big dreams. That's why she kissed his mouth and let his voice draw her song when she swore she would never sing again.
She thought he had a pocketful of stars. She thought he had enough glow to paint over her many wounds and heal her so she could fight again. That's why she let him run his fingers through her hair, she thought he would leave particles of light and not the pain he planted there.
She thought he had a pocketful of stars.
That was why she left her blade behind.
She thought he had a pocketful of stars to guide them home again but all he had was darkness and now she had to fight, bare handed wild woman just looking for some light.
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Morning Light

Under the cool silver light of the moon, I dance wanton flesh and blood. I feel so much my skin strains too hold me in. I ache for that which I desire, I hunger and I thirst but most of all I feel. I feel the strains of song inside my arms, I feel great big heart beats and my senses jump like lightening strikes when I imagine your face. My sensory memory is knife point sharp and every curve of your body runs me through. I see all your angles and waltz with the long slivers of your memories. I cut myself open on the clean edges of my want. The crazy strums of slick need crawl inside my mind like acid trips, I loose my self imagining the myriad manner I would love you. Whole hours are lost contemplating your fine made beauties, just the sounds of your speech and the feel of you smiling against my skin. This wild
hearted woman dreams of discovery, what steals your smile and how I could bring it back. What makes you weep and how I would erase it, like it never was. I imagine taking your hand and walking the world, freedom, celebrations and creation. Sometimes on dark nights, I think I see eyes like yours and skin like mine, hybrid variety. I don't know where we will end up, I know simply and succinctly I want to take the journey by your side.
Then as dawn paints the sky I become she. Just the mechanics to carry around its cold logic. It clicks and whirs into action. This mechanism knows whats must be done and what must be said. This automation is fire and power. It surges through life, fulfilling its makers work and even though it looks like me, it is naught but a shell. A golem with a heart of survival, it is all blast and flame. This automation will not cross the lines and stays inside what is expected and exceeds the expectations of what a human may do because it is not human. It is the apex of my creation and its mechanical smiles fool most into thinking, it is alive. Not many look close enough to see for this automation keeps them all at bay and so they all say: that woman, they mean that machine. For it feels naught and thinks only in numbers. It has the most amazing capacity for pain and none for joy. the shell of its clavicle is silent as the ticking mechanism of its heart died long ago, only the steam of its own ambition directive powers it now. It makes stacks of things, how they glitter gleam and everyone wonders at all this mechanism has achieved.
At night when I am me, one would think I would dread the dawn, dread becoming she but I don't. Because through her cold eyes, is the only time you will smile at me. I stopped hating she when I realized you prefer her to me. Now she is the apex of my hopes and each morning I change earlier into she, soon I will no longer be me and there will be only SHE . . .

and now I've passed my happily ever after
and ventured far from where this story began
Somehow I lost the thread of our tale
or perhaps it never was
Maybe between the whiskey and smoke
I dreamed it all
The taste of you
The feel of fine fingers
I maybe made it all up
too many dreams
too many hopes
Lay down and drowned
in the great crack inside time
I play it over
and over
and I see me
the words i spoke
My naked desire
and then i know
I gave you promises.
I gave you words
words i had never given before
and wished I had the whole universe
I would have given you that
You spoke naught
And even though its untrue
I know
I dreamed it all
And I awoke alone
I dreamed it all
Unseemly me with you
Convince my mind
It dreamed it all
Convince my heart
It doesn't hurt at all
I am walking now
inside my own
but I only dreamed it all.
Friday, June 12, 2015
Wild One
I often wonder how other women have loved you.
How their courageous hands covered the smoothed curves of
your caramel skin and their mouths drank you up like so much fine wine
Sought to keep inside them the concentration of summerlight
inside your rich teak wood skin
Did the heat I feel when I stand next to you threaten to
burn them to a cinder?
Did the whirls of your long fingers scatter the ash of their
orgasm incinerated selves to the four winds?
And stride unabashed into the world
Where you found me?
Whilst I lie here amid the imagination singed sheets
illustrating my fevered dreams
Is that midnight voice talking some young one out of her
designer dress?
Whilst she keeps her spike heels on, because I know how you
Those shoes that I will never walk in preoccupy your mind.
How the fine purpose wrought machinery of your decadent
Swallows the sounds of their pleasure
Turns their innocent whites
Into longings for lace
So swollen with the giving and taking
That you inadvertently Spill sex
Into my attempt at normal conversations
I am preoccupied with how you must sound when you
Frenzied word whisper
Provocation, incineration and culmination
Against their domesticity
I think all this
Whilst I look at the catalogue of your beauties
Are you picturing the iron straight tresses of last night’s desire?
Remembering these women,
The women who loved you
Under your finger tips
Last night
But I am not
Not these women
I am she
Wild woman
And despite
All before me
Only I
Your beast
Free . . .
4am things I can’t confess
In poetry
In plays
In art
Love is often confessed
And dear love
It is often grand
And star scapes
And I Wish
I long
That I could confess
That I wanted
That I loved
Like that
But I don’t
I am not
Not like
The hundreds
The hundreds before me
Slaves to your idoltry
I love you
As I began
My deepest
The raw
This deep
Six desire
For you
Kill me
Kill you
With it’s ache
So though
Your myriad golden beauties
Deserve flowers
I want you
I love
Like a secret
Inside the dark forests
Of my pain
There I can cry
Of loss
Because Golden You
And dark me
Never be
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Impossible-Stream of thoughts 12/05/2015
Sometimes I am the master mason of impossible things
As if my soul has turned on the lathe of time
soothing its rough edges
deepening its tactile curves for these observations
For you.
My love is ever a stalking beast
an impossible
a deviant sensation upon a clean world.
My darkling gaze sees more than you or he or she.
For you
I could say I too am a white clad worshipper at the temple of your perfections
But my tongue is not nubile enough for a lie
Worshippers do not ache to kiss the mouth of their deity
I am an outsider, here where they all know you and your golden looks
I am an outlier and I am enamoured of what mechanisms turn inside your mind
The light of your natural open gaze
For you
It is your dark and not your light that compels me.
The secrets you hold beneath that small sadness
That engages me
I spend the coins of my precious time, lost in the whirl of all the possible strands of our story.
I tell of you again and again.
In so many men
So many virtues
So many faults
For you
Even as I turn away from you.
you still do not see
This sea of possibility
for you
As if my soul has turned on the lathe of time
soothing its rough edges
deepening its tactile curves for these observations
For you.
My love is ever a stalking beast
an impossible
a deviant sensation upon a clean world.
My darkling gaze sees more than you or he or she.
For you
I could say I too am a white clad worshipper at the temple of your perfections
But my tongue is not nubile enough for a lie
Worshippers do not ache to kiss the mouth of their deity
I am an outsider, here where they all know you and your golden looks
I am an outlier and I am enamoured of what mechanisms turn inside your mind
The light of your natural open gaze
For you
It is your dark and not your light that compels me.
The secrets you hold beneath that small sadness
That engages me
I spend the coins of my precious time, lost in the whirl of all the possible strands of our story.
I tell of you again and again.
In so many men
So many virtues
So many faults
For you
Even as I turn away from you.
you still do not see
This sea of possibility
for you
Monday, March 23, 2015
stream of thought-23-03-2015
This pain needs morphine, I need to cauterise this cancer, cut it out clean to the root, these few mutated cells , this mass, I needs be rid of this darkling mind. I feel like a purpose wrought device that had been placed and bent to a foreign goal and with every turn, every turn of the lathe, my soul rebels. This hungry ghost that lives inside me would better served outside, I wish people could see this taint I carry, like some blood borne sickness, but I suffer in such sublime smile decorated silence that no one will ever know.
I am madness and fire underneath velvet silence. My work becomes my morphine and through years of practise, I too can say the company lines and laugh with them all. No one sees this broken smile, but they feel this yawning empty, this starvation pain over unyielding acres of want, I see it in their eyes, the looks they fetch out for me. It is being supremely worthy that makes me unworthy. I can not tell if they know how this feels, if they too wait for dark to pet their ghosts. If their pain is sometimes so empty, they would exchange all the world to fill it.
Only I, I walk here in the were-life longing for a dream that has always danced on the horizon. I push my mind till it is silent but still in exhaustion it calls in vain to it's other when there is none. Who can know the fate, the slow poison of passion turned inwards than those that love has forgotten. I the unlovable. I would say we but I know of only me. Even here at my most weak I am but one.
I am strong, warrior valour and I take the pain from those I love. I stand on the edge of what must be and want can not be allowed to be and I hold the line. I am many things, and in each of them I am this one thing. I don't blame them for not seeing, I know I hide it all. If I walked the waking world, like this wraith, I could not survive so I bound my tender heart beneath my noise and bluster. But under the armour of distance and cynicism I am still this woman, on the brink of being forgotten, this sad eyed girl who weeps for the chance she never had.
I am not in the moments of platitudes, in the day-time world in the cold plans, in my ambition in my strangeness there lies but only half of me and in the dark there lies the rest. The rest and she longs for a soft place to fall without having to check for knives, a voice to reassure and for once someone who will be in charge and allow her to fall to pieces and be gathered up again glued together by his faith and loyalty.
I indulge in my favourite fantasy often, I write and rewrite the script with different players. I wrap it in shimmers of possibility, I write it in words like sweet sugar candy but it is small sustenance. I know who I am, what will be and each day I long to awaken free. no more longing. No more dream. Just still peace.
I am madness and fire underneath velvet silence. My work becomes my morphine and through years of practise, I too can say the company lines and laugh with them all. No one sees this broken smile, but they feel this yawning empty, this starvation pain over unyielding acres of want, I see it in their eyes, the looks they fetch out for me. It is being supremely worthy that makes me unworthy. I can not tell if they know how this feels, if they too wait for dark to pet their ghosts. If their pain is sometimes so empty, they would exchange all the world to fill it.
Only I, I walk here in the were-life longing for a dream that has always danced on the horizon. I push my mind till it is silent but still in exhaustion it calls in vain to it's other when there is none. Who can know the fate, the slow poison of passion turned inwards than those that love has forgotten. I the unlovable. I would say we but I know of only me. Even here at my most weak I am but one.
I am strong, warrior valour and I take the pain from those I love. I stand on the edge of what must be and want can not be allowed to be and I hold the line. I am many things, and in each of them I am this one thing. I don't blame them for not seeing, I know I hide it all. If I walked the waking world, like this wraith, I could not survive so I bound my tender heart beneath my noise and bluster. But under the armour of distance and cynicism I am still this woman, on the brink of being forgotten, this sad eyed girl who weeps for the chance she never had.
I am not in the moments of platitudes, in the day-time world in the cold plans, in my ambition in my strangeness there lies but only half of me and in the dark there lies the rest. The rest and she longs for a soft place to fall without having to check for knives, a voice to reassure and for once someone who will be in charge and allow her to fall to pieces and be gathered up again glued together by his faith and loyalty.
I indulge in my favourite fantasy often, I write and rewrite the script with different players. I wrap it in shimmers of possibility, I write it in words like sweet sugar candy but it is small sustenance. I know who I am, what will be and each day I long to awaken free. no more longing. No more dream. Just still peace.
I watch all the not others
Their guileless rejection
everything I have ever dreamed
taken for granted
to dry
to husks
forgotten on the shores of their lives
They who have gotten
too jaded
too moneyed
too bored
hoard things I would happily exchange
their eyes are dead
Their grasping fists
their lust
their avarice
and shaded shameful vice
see my strong girl stride
chase like unicorns
but never see that
only innocence binds me
sometimes I hate them
those shysters
of domesticity
other times
I see how they once were
I see the crumpled dream
Cut my fingers on their shattered edges
only to see inside
I watch all the not others
Their guileless rejection
everything I have ever dreamed
taken for granted
to dry
to husks
forgotten on the shores of their lives
They who have gotten
too jaded
too moneyed
too bored
hoard things I would happily exchange
their eyes are dead
Their grasping fists
their lust
their avarice
and shaded shameful vice
see my strong girl stride
chase like unicorns
but never see that
only innocence binds me
sometimes I hate them
those shysters
of domesticity
other times
I see how they once were
I see the crumpled dream
Cut my fingers on their shattered edges
only to see inside
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Every kind of philosophy invites one to free themselves from desire, from want
To be free in a place of non-want
what is not addressed is need
A woman may master her wants
Master her mind
But the demons of need
still rise
After exorcism
after holy water
deep six desire is death
You speak to your mistakes
to your truths
and you reduce the madness
that giddy run after your impulse
slows to a march towards what you want
you tell yourself, there are priorities
Life becomes the arid of career and professional
and people use your title
But there inside you
like a vein of mineral deep inside the mountain
that wild child dances still
like this deep twist of character
Your need is the death knell
All it takes is this small possibility
and like erosion
the cracks will reopen
Hoping this time
your light will shine in the dark places
My supine need
dives deeper than my deepest thoughts
like some fabled beast
you come to me
and all the sense I made of my shards dissolves
I am gloriously broken again
and I want you to see
You are the spectre that stalks here inside
you take this big mind
your touch reduces it to so much animal sensation
The careful planning
the discipline
all disappear in an instant
and this wild hearted girl child
wants your beast to come out and play
To be free in a place of non-want
what is not addressed is need
A woman may master her wants
Master her mind
But the demons of need
still rise
After exorcism
after holy water
deep six desire is death
You speak to your mistakes
to your truths
and you reduce the madness
that giddy run after your impulse
slows to a march towards what you want
you tell yourself, there are priorities
Life becomes the arid of career and professional
and people use your title
But there inside you
like a vein of mineral deep inside the mountain
that wild child dances still
like this deep twist of character
Your need is the death knell
All it takes is this small possibility
and like erosion
the cracks will reopen
Hoping this time
your light will shine in the dark places
My supine need
dives deeper than my deepest thoughts
like some fabled beast
you come to me
and all the sense I made of my shards dissolves
I am gloriously broken again
and I want you to see
You are the spectre that stalks here inside
you take this big mind
your touch reduces it to so much animal sensation
The careful planning
the discipline
all disappear in an instant
and this wild hearted girl child
wants your beast to come out and play
Caramel snaps between my teeth
dissolves on my tongue like gossamer
This skin?
That you are wrapped in
Will it melt into sweetness
deep addictive golden
If I skimmed it with my fingers
Would it feel hot?
Would it come apart on my fingertips
like cotton candy on a hot summers day.
This deep skin
would it grow sticky with condensation
if I held it close to my skin?
Messy and strangely satisfying
Like the lush of a handmade candy
that curve of your mouth is obscene in its shapely invitation
I want to leave
My red lipstick right there
in the fulcrum
of that bowed upper lip
My mark there
even here
I never can decide which chocolate to eat first
and this unwrapping
would confound me
In the curve of the neck
running with rivulets of sweet
I ache to taste
Lick it up in long sure strokes
I wonder if the salt caramel skin
lives beneath those careful shirts
Sugar burnt fingertips sting
but my private tastes
extend far beyond the mundane
I am a gastronome
And this degustation
is laced with sharp sensations
a vein of honeyed golden poison
so now to my mercy
inside these box days
the chocolaterie in my mind
turns to caramel
My thoughts turn to feasts
and I ache to unwrap
dissolves on my tongue like gossamer
This skin?
That you are wrapped in
Will it melt into sweetness
deep addictive golden
If I skimmed it with my fingers
Would it feel hot?
Would it come apart on my fingertips
like cotton candy on a hot summers day.
This deep skin
would it grow sticky with condensation
if I held it close to my skin?
Messy and strangely satisfying
Like the lush of a handmade candy
that curve of your mouth is obscene in its shapely invitation
I want to leave
My red lipstick right there
in the fulcrum
of that bowed upper lip
My mark there
even here
I never can decide which chocolate to eat first
and this unwrapping
would confound me
In the curve of the neck
running with rivulets of sweet
I ache to taste
Lick it up in long sure strokes
I wonder if the salt caramel skin
lives beneath those careful shirts
Sugar burnt fingertips sting
but my private tastes
extend far beyond the mundane
I am a gastronome
And this degustation
is laced with sharp sensations
a vein of honeyed golden poison
so now to my mercy
inside these box days
the chocolaterie in my mind
turns to caramel
My thoughts turn to feasts
and I ache to unwrap
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