They say its nigh impossible…
Those that know for who would love the boy king, for his heart when in castle were gold and furs and men and women to cater to his every whim. They came from far and wide, the elven maids and the human too, all hungry for their share all wanting glory , seeing themselves in crowns, wanting to ride beside him and call his kingdom theirs. And he was hungry for something he did not know and in maiden after maiden he couldn’t find that glow. They came and went and time was spent at sport and fun but hours should have been spent in being a king.
Until she came
She came from a land of warriors pure, never without her sword and traced with s scars both young and old. She didn’t come for furs; she did not come for gold she did not want to share his crown. She came for him and the bards can never tell how the warrior in love fell. But she did not say nary a word, she came cloaked in shadow of night, gifted him her body and left with the light. They spoke of many things both shadow and light and she saw in him potential for flight. He took her gift and thought it flesh but she held hope their souls would mesh. And so it was that he took her for mere, she knew in heart that deepest fear. She wanted to gift him her heart, find out his dreams and make his fear depart. She would forsake the kingdom and fight by his side, thread his paths and with him abide. But in the dark he did not see, he was entranced by maidens whose beauties he could see. And at time he would forget and fall in with the maidens set. She would pine and vacillate between tears and anger and practice with swords till her scars so fine bled anew and she was once again ruled by pain, the only freedom she knew.
Then one autumn the moon rose whole, amber and luminescent touching the soul. She came to his chamber, as she did and there in the darkness by the curtains hid. Was her chosen and only, her lover and her friend
And his arms and under his light was another body bent. She was covered in gold of royal make and in her voice innocence and sweetness was fake. Alight with worldly desire, even as he loved her she did not come afire. She who came in the night, left him tears more brilliant than the jewels wrapped around the princesses hand. She could not fathom not rising to match his stroke or to have eyes only for gold. She fled into the night and though of her folly with bright hard hate. As the forest opened before her, she disappeared from human sight and in the tower watching with sconces bright only a young knight took note of this hasty flight.
Morning came slowly to this place and the boy king woke to the face. in the slow light of mornings grace, she did not run her fingers over his skin or see him like a fine made thing. She was entranced by her ornaments and engaged in rubbing them like firmament. He rose from her bed and did not believe his own head. Was she a queen, a lover and friend, a joy that would have no end?
She was none of these and he found himself longing for low words and wise things. He awayed to the window, mayhap that was her sword singing. But alas it was the soldiers in formation preparing to protect his nation. He ignored the false implorations and began a lengthy search to all the places they covered in night time explorations.
In the garden where the harvest moon gazed with envy as he unveiled her skin and made her ache to let him in. On the shore of the murmuring sea where she whispered great secrets she had learned and showed him the wisdom she earned. In her quarters covered by ivy, her scent thick on the air and remembered the unbidden promises she made him there. He found the riches she had left there and he remembered putting that crown in her hair. How she spurned this treasure and told him that this fire between them was beyond the measure of any pleasure gold could give. He remembered her eyes dark with unsaid words and cursed himself as he had never heard. He called every member of the night guard, and ceaselessly questioned their sight. Then the young knight was before the king and he told how she had disappeared into nothing.
He wept sorrowful tears but it was too late and reality was as he feared. His friend, his lover, his chosen queen was nowhere that could be seen. He called sorcerers and magick makers, promised them anything they would take. But they too were sorry and aimed to look but it was if death his love had took. He governed the kingdom without a foil and through the years with much toil, he never stopped believing that she would return, her paths she would spur n to be his once again.
But the bards they tell a saddened tale, he passed alone and his quest to find her did fail. They say she had joined the darkling hunt and rode with Odin ceaselessly warring. That she was a Valkry who be free when Ragnarok would rise again. Others they tell a sweeter tale of how after many years travail, she returned with Odin over that vale. And Odin wily one eye lord, sent her to the home her heart sought. And she and the boy king ruled for many a year and rose with Ragnarok, immortal and without fear. They say their love was a mighty thing and that bowed many a king and inspired many bards to write in yards.
What is truth and what be tale only the warrior or the king may avail. For here lies the heart of my cant.
See with eyes of your soul to find the one who will make life whole. Bewitching as are things of the world, love is of souls or so I have heard. Favor of gods and wealth beyond measure, pale before love, the truest treasure.