I am the hope my ancestors had as they left the green fields of home, the wings of the prayer that kept them afloat as they sailed the spice sea. I am the strength that never could bow, I am the power of those shoulders that made sand fruitful. I am the dignity of untouchables, I am the pride of royalty, the golden of their sub continental skin, the bite of chilli in their blood.
I am the deep dark place in the heart of all men, I am covert and secret. I am anger unleashed with murderous intent. I am the primal thing, killing before I am killed. I am the dark blessed shelter of night, in which all manner of deviancy is possible. I am unseen bone deep wrenching want which destroys the very object of its desire.
I am the light inside the dreams of children, the fragility of their innocence. I am innocence untouched, the naivety of untried wings. Iam the smooth brow of childhood, the guiless conversation. I am the preserver of all things, un-artifaced beauty.Iam like smooth music, once heard never forgotten. I am the unbridled crazy dancing under full moons. I am the Rhythm inside your hips when they hear a drum beat.
Iam the honesty of words that slip out, the truth of late nigh whispers. I am that first rush of attraction, racing like adrenalin. I am the joy of finding your mate, a mirror in the rocky world. I am that sensation of flying when you are actually falling in love. I am the blind optimism of a broken heart that grows dreams in its shady cracked places. I am the beatification of someday, even in the face of nothing.I am the unknown dreams curled beneath the hearts of those that love forgot
I am all, I am many. I am everyman and no man, I am woman.