"My candle burns at both ends; It will not last the night; But, ah, my foes, and, oh, my friends - it gives a lovely light."
The eternal quest for man has always been immortality... Everyone wishes to live forever. To be eternal and unchanging. Not a brief blink but a long unflinching gaze. The motivation behind it all is a deathly fear of being forgotten, for it to have been as if you never existed...
Mortal life is so transient that we seek every possible way, to leave a mark, something to remind the universe that brief and sputtering though it may have been, our lights shone. The secret to immortality does not lie in alchemy, occult practises or preserving your skin using chemicals...
True immortality lies in legacy, those we have loved, the lives we have touched, the joys we engineered!
The secret is not in length of life but in how it was lived.
Life is a secretive mistress and only the brave may glimpse her true face.
A life lived in fear is a life half lived...Love recklessly and often as if your heart has never known hurt, be that free joyful thing that confounds the world. Those who are afraid of life can never embrace life, fear of thing will never grow in to love from the thing...
There is light unknown in you, potentials, places... whole multiverses of the magnificence of you letting your light shine. While others toll in the dark, it is your light that lifts their gazes higher, that dares those on the cliff to fly...
You will then truly live forever seared on the consciousness of all you encounter, your legend will outlive your breathe...