In the circle of those fine made arms, crafted and soothed by divine fingers, watching the sinuous motion of your muscles I arrived home, to the place that saw to the very soul of me. The soft meeting place, where your neck flows into your shoulder which holds evidence of my secret tears, there lies the heart of the riddle that is me. Your face is an impossible dream, I have chased all my days.
In the low words you speak only to me, in whispered admissions and the sunshine of our laughter is the salvation of this jaded heart. You are the silent contemplation of a painting so fine made, my human eyes can not accept that such perfection stalks the blighted earth. Seeing the multitudes of beauties in you, brings me faith in a higher thing. The touch of calloused hands cupped in the curve of my face, just for the feel of my skin, infinitely more precious than all the gems in all the world. Reciting sonnets in the language of touch, brings me to tears, making me remember the thrill of first things. Making me pure. Enslave me with out games, no manipulations, the clean edges of your want breaking down my walls.
Engaged this razor mind, laying your heart open, talking truths to me, making my spirit name you its equal. Equal to me, unafraid and unbowed, you are the master here, and I give you dominion of this place, of me. That you see my deep six darkness and walk with me in the absence of light, makes my cynic mind acknowledge miracles. Among the masses you alone are anointed with the love undying, that would give my life to preserve yours.
You are my Knight, My Precious Thing, A Forever After and I am unafraid. I gamble it all, render down the treasure of this life for this one chance to walk your paths. Iam the salt of the tears you can not cry, I go with you whether you descend to hell or climb the stairways of heaven.
Unattainable legend, You are the love I deserve, My equal, Body, Mind and Spirit...Although like a legend, you exist inside the confines of my mind. The way I think Love should be, With out artifice, free of one up man ship, soul deep. Devastating and recreating...
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